


Living in Tiger Land is an integral part of the University experience. 有五个 traditional residence halls and ten apartment-style units on the Grambling campus. The smallest residence hall houses 28 students and the largest more than 250. 住宅 大厅的分组如下:


女大厅: Jewett, Hunter, Robinson, 真理, 道格拉斯, 博文,白求恩
男性大厅: Attucks塔布曼, 诺特惠特利, Pinchback,获得
男女同校的大厅: Jeanes斯, 塔布曼, 亚当斯、荷兰、 Richmond尖塔格伦西校区 

Jewett大厅: Traditional, double occupancy, all female residence hall, with community showers/bathrooms. 它位于 in the heart of campus, next to Grambling Hall. 朱伊特·霍尔是2级 story building that houses 54 students. 没有分类 requirement for 这个任务.

Each room in Jewett Hall has the following for each resident:


Hunter大厅: traditional, double occupancy/suite style, all female residence hall. 它位于 on Main Street across from The Tiger Express Snack Bar. 亨特庄园有两层 可容纳92名学生的大楼. 没有分类 requirement for this 赋值.

Each room in Hunter Hall has the following for each resident:



Robinson大厅: traditional, double occupancy/suite style, all female residence hall. 它位于 on Main Street across from The Tiger Express Snack Bar. Robinson大厅有两层 可容纳72名学生的大楼. 没有分类 requirement for this 赋值.

Each room in Robinson Hall has the following for each resident:



Jeanes大厅: traditional, double occupancy, all male residence hall, with community showers/bathrooms. 它位于 on Grambling Street, across the street from Jacob T. 斯图尔特大厅. Jeanes Hall is a two story building that houses 100 students. 没有分类 这个作业的要求. 该设施目前处于离线状态.

Each room in Jeanes Hall has the following for each resident:


Tiger Village - Jeanes斯, 真理 (Female)塔布曼, 亚当斯:  apartment style residence halls featuring 2 and 4 bedrooms. 位于R.W.E. Jeanes斯 Drive, these facilities are three-story buildings that house 94-180 students.

Each bedroom in Tiger Village - Jeanes斯, 真理塔布曼, 亚当斯 has the 后:
•桌子 & 椅子
•无线互联网连接 (Ethernet optional)

Each apartment style unit in Tiger Village - Jeanes斯, 真理塔布曼, 亚当斯 shares the 后:
• bathroom (shower/tub, toilet, vanity Sink)
• kitchenette (cabinets, refrigerator, sink)
• living room (sofa, 椅子, entertainment center, coffee table, end table, basic phone 服务,电缆连接)

老虎村-荷兰: co-ed Freshmen, apartment style residence halls featuring 2 and 4 bedrooms. 位于 在R的拐角处.W.E. Jeanes斯 Drive and Central Avenue, this facility is a three-story 可容纳148名学生. 这栋楼是给大一男生住的 & 女性只有. 

Each bedroom in Tiger Village - Holland has the 后:
•桌子 & 椅子
•无线互联网连接 (Ethernet optional)

Each apartment style unit in Tiger Village - Holland shares the 后:
• bathroom (shower/tub, toilet, vanity sink)
• kitchenette (cabinets, refrigerator, sink)
• living room (sofa, 椅子, entertainment center, coffee table, end table, basic phone 服务,电缆连接)

老虎村-诺特: all male, double occupancy, residence hall. 位于中央大道对面 the 校内的中心, this facility is a three-story building that houses 192 students. 这栋楼是给大一男生住的 ONLY. 

Each bedroom in Tiger Village - 诺特 has the following for each resident:
•桌子 & 椅子


老虎村-白求恩 All female, double occupancy, residence hall. 位于 Williams Street, this facility is a three-story building that houses 216 students. 理解女性. 

Each bedroom in Tiger Village - Bethune has the following for each resident:
•桌子 & 椅子


老虎村- Pinchback all male, apartment style residence hall featuring 2 and 4 bedrooms. 位于Younger Street, this facility is a three-story building that house 85 students. 这个建筑 只对新生开放. 

Each bedroom in Tiger Village - Pinchback has the 后:
•桌子 & 椅子
•无线互联网连接 (Ethernet optional)

Each apartment style unit in Tiger Village - Pinchback shares the 后:
• bathroom (shower/tub, toilet,vanity sink)
• kitchenette (cabinets, refrigerator, sink)
• living room (sofa, 椅子, entertainment center, coffee table, end table, basic phone 服务,电缆连接)

老虎村-道格拉斯: all female, double occupancy, residence hall. 位于Sandle Street, this facility is a three-story building that houses 274 students. 这栋楼是给新生住的 女性只有.

Each bedroom in Tiger Village - 道格拉斯 has the following for each resident:
•桌子 & 椅子


老虎村-惠特利: all male, double occupancy, residence hall. 位于Sandle Street, this facility is a three-story building that houses 248 students. 这栋楼是给新生住的 男性只. 

Each bedroom in Tiger Village - Wheatley has the following for each resident:
•桌子 & 椅子


老虎村-博文: all female, apartment style residence hall featuring 2 and 4 bedrooms. 位于 Hutchinson Street, this facility is a three-story building that house 169 students. 这栋楼是给新生住的 fe男性只. 

Each bedroom in Tiger Village - 博文 has the 后:
•桌子 & 椅子
•无线互联网连接 (Ethernet optional)

Each apartment style unit in Tiger Village - 博文 shares the 后:
• bathroom (shower/tub, toilet,vanity sink)
• kitchenette (cabinets, refrigerator, sink)
• living room (sofa, 椅子, entertainment center, coffee table, end table, basic phone 服务,电缆连接)

Attucks大厅: all male, apartment style residence hall featuring 4 bedrooms only. 位于Sandle Street, this facility is a two-story building that house 37 students. 这个建筑 只对大一男生开放吗.

Each bedroom in Attucks Hall has the 后:
•桌子 & 椅子
•无线互联网连接 (Ethernet optional)

Each apartment style unit in Attucks Hall shares the 后:
• bathroom (shower/tub, toilet, vanity sink)
• kitchenette (cabinets, refrigerator, sink)
• living room (sofa, 椅子, entertainment center, coffee table, end table, basic phone 服务,电缆连接)


Richmond大厅:Co-ed, two-story apartment style facility with 2 bedroom/1bath apartments. 位于 设施外径. Richmond is home to 27 upperclassmen residents.  该设施目前处于离线状态.

Each bedroom in Richmond Hall has the 后:

Each apartment style unit in Richmond Hall shares the 后:
• kitchen (cabinets, refrigerator, sink, stove, table, 椅子s)
• living room (sofa, 椅子, entertainment center, coffee table, end table, basic phone 服务,电缆连接)

尖塔的格伦Co-ed, apartment style facility featuring four bedrooms only. 这个建筑群位于 at the corner of Maxie Street and Central Avenue. 这些两层楼的房子 48名高年级学生.  

Each bedroom in 尖塔的格伦 has the 后:
• bathroom (shower/tub, toilet,vanity sink)
•桌子 & 椅子
•无线互联网连接 (Ethernet optional)

Each apartment style unit in 尖塔的格伦 shares the 后:
•垫圈 & 干燥机
• kitchen (cabinets, refrigerator, sink, stove)
• living room (sofa, 椅子, entertainment center, coffee table, end table, basic phone 服务,电缆连接)


GSU西平房 Co-ed, Double occupancy or private room available, with community showers/bathrooms. 他们最多能容纳80名学生. 这些是给三年级和四年级学生的. 

Each housing unit in GSU West has/shares the 后:
•桌子 & 椅子
•无线互联网连接 (Ethernet optional)

Each Bungalow style unit at GSU West shares the 后:
•垫圈 & 干燥机
• kitchen (cabinets, refrigerator, sink, stove)
• living room (sofa, 椅子, entertainment center, coffee table, end table, basic phone 服务,电缆连接)

皇冠体育办公室 & 房屋地址:

P.O. 4249年的盒子,
(318) 274-2504 -电话
(318) 274-4004 -传真